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Sue and Metro Rod Exceed Target Set for Harefield Hospital Charity Fundraising!

24th April 2019

Sue and Metro Rod Exceed Target Set for Harefield Hospital Charity Fundraising!

We are delighted to announce that our target goal of raising £1000 for Harefield Hospital Charity has been reached already!


Thanks to plenty of generous donations and our two successful events, we can report that our fund raising total currently stands at £1060. We have been bowled over by the enthusiasm to support Sues cause to raise as much money for Harefield Hospital Charity throughout the year. We had hoped to have perhaps reached the halfway point by now, but we clearly underestimated the good nature of our co-workers, friends, family and plenty of people we didn't know who attended the coffee mornings held in March and April.

We've already written about the success of the coffee morning at the Black Bull pub in Launton, so today we're going to focus on the April event.


Coffee Morning and Craft Fayre in Langford Village

We held our second coffee and cake morning in Langford Village in the community hall. Due to the slightly bigger location we expanded on the coffee and cakes, raffle and few small games to offer up places to craft stands. This was a new element to the tried and tested layout and we're please to say that it worked nicely. We had people out on the street with donation tins and who were able to act as walking advertisements for the goodies on offer within the hall and for those who were too busy to stop, many were happy to provide a donation to the tin. It's important to note that these tins are sealed up tight so we've been unable to count the money within, which means that there is still more to add to the total raised after they are sent back to the charity to be opened and counted!

We would like to thank everyone who took part in the Langford Village event, from those who sold their crafts at stalls to those who donated raffle prizes:

and of course the family and friends who donated their time and baking skills to the cause! Thank you all so much!


What's Next?

It would be easy to sit back now and coast to the end of the year, satisfied that we've reached our goal, but we aren't going to do that! We are planning on taking part in the 38th annual Fun Run in September this year, so look out for us running (and walking) along the route then!

If you want to learn more about Harefield Hospital  or the charity you can go to their website or you can get in touch with us to learn more about our fundraising.

If you require the services of Metro Rod you can get in touch with us in a variety of ways;

You can go to our website

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You can call us on 01869 277702

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