An important part of our drain care service in Reading and the Thames Valley region is correctly diagnosing the underlying cause the drainage problems our customers are experiencing. A blocked drain in Reading, a blocked toilet in Wokingham, a blocked sink in Newbury or an escape of sewage from a manhole in Maidenhead are all problems which could have variable underlying causes. For instance some blocked drains are caused by “misuse” …..where inappropriate materials such as wet wipes or nappies…are put down toilets by users. Others might be caused by the slow, gradual build up of fats and greases from food preparation, uric scale or silt. Other apparent blockages might occur because the pipe is structurally damaged.
Similarly escape of water from a leaking drain may be causing flooding or even pollution with no apparent way of being able to tell where and how the drain is damaged.
It’s not easy to understand what is going on inside a drain pipe when it is buried underground and/or the problem is several metres away from the manhole or other access point to the drain. However Metro Rod Reading’s drainage engineers are skilled in the use of CCTV survey equipment which enables them to insert a cable mounted CCTV camera into any drain pipe in order to transmit live footage back to them to view on a monitor at ground surface level.In this way we can see inside your drains as clearly as if they were at ground level.
A CCTV drain inspection can reveal many things and early detection can prevent further problems from occurring.
Problems that can be detected by a CCTV drain surveyinclude:
- Collapsed/ fractured pipe/ broken segments
- Tree root ingress
- Displaced joints and poor gradient
- Rodent damage
- Fat Build Up
- Other materials reducing the drain diameter
Once Metro Rod Reading have viewed the CCTV survey footage we can identify any problems and their underlying causes, assess the current condition of the entire drain, spot any potential problems that could arise in the future and make appropriate recommendations for any immediate or long term action to be taken. If requested a DVD of the footage will then be made available to our customer and a detailed report will be produced.
Metro Rod Reading also carry out CCTV drain surveys for potential home purchasers before they complete on the sale of a property. This means they can have peace of mind as to the condition of the drains before committing to their purchase and avoid any unexpected costs coming to light later on. Our engineers will carry out a full inspection of the property’s drainage system and provide a detailed report, by request, on any structural damage and possible problems that could occur at a later date.
Do you have any issue at all with your property’s drainage system ?
Contact Metro Rod Reading today for a safe, professional and honest service by :
Calling us on 0118 950 4477
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Emailing us at [email protected]
Connecting with Andrew, our Managing Director on LinkedIn

Talk to your local Metro Rod specialist
We are always happy to arrange a free site assessment and no obligation quotations for any work you might need. Alternatively, you can call our emergency hotline number on 0800 66 88 00
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