Bad smells INSIDE your property from smelly drains ?
The most commonly-blocked drains are those in kitchens and bathrooms and the cause could typically be a result of any of the following:
A blocked or faulty wastepipe – A wastepipe that is blocked and not doing its job properly is usually the cause of a smelly sink drain and blockages of this kind generally come about as a result of a build-up within the drain pipe from organic waste i.e. food, cooking fat, hair or grease. Pouring food waste, particularly fats, down a sink will, ultimately, inevitably result in a build up of this waste within the system and a gradual reduction in the effective diameter of your waste pipe as the fats build up within the pipe and solidify.
Does the blocked area fall within the boundaries of your property ? If so then it is your responsibility to sort the issue out , even if the problem is outside the actual building itself. A professional drainage services team from Metro Rod Reading can carry out a CCTV drain inspection if required to diagnose a particularly stubborn problem, as well as routinely clearing a blocked drain using high-powered and efficient high pressure water jetting equipment. All Metro Rod Reading vehicles are fully equipped with this technology.
If the blockage exists in a public sewer which falls outside anyone’s property on the street you live on you may need to involve your Water Company, for example Thames Water. If in doubt don’t worry…just call us at Metro Rod Reading and we will be able to advise and help you.
Lastly there is always the chance that your bad smells might not just be down to a blocked drain but rather be the result of a structural defect, or a breakage caused by subsidence, corrosion or perhaps damage from tree roots or even rodents. It’s important that you get to the bottom of the issue as quickly as possible to minimise stress and costs. Again……simply call us at Metro Rod Reading and we will be able to diagnose and resolve your issue WHATEVER the problem.
Don’t put up with bad smells ! Things will only get worse !! Contact Metro Rod Reading via any of the methods below to ensure you can eradicate that bad smell :
Calling us on 0118 950 4477
Going to www.metrorod.co.uk/local/reading/
Emailing us at [email protected]
Connecting with Andrew, our Managing Director on LinkedIn

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We are always happy to arrange a free site assessment and no obligation quotations for any work you might need. Alternatively, you can call our emergency hotline number on 0800 66 88 00
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