1, The average person visits the toilet between 6-8 times a day. That's 2500 times a year. Therefore in an average persons lifetime, that could be three years on the toilet.
2, A massive 75% of people admit to using their mobile phone on the toilet, this has taken over from reading as the most popular activity to do on the loo.
3, 7 million mobile phones are dropped down toilets every year.
4, 40% of people fold toilet paper - 60% crumple.
5, Last year American's used enough toilet roll to stretch to the sun and back
6, Woman annoy men by getting make up on the bathroom towels. Men annoy women by not replacing the toothpaste cap and by leaving the toilet seat up.
7, 85% of bathroom related injuries occur when someone falls into the toilet after the seat has been left up.
8, A majority of people like the toilet paper to hang over the roll and not under.
9, 70% of house guess snoop through their hosts bathroom cabinets and drawers.
With a toilet serving an average family of four having around 10,000 visits a year, its important to look after your loo. Metro Rod Norwich covers the Norfolk area and we can assist with all things drainage, emergency plumbing and toilet related. If your toilet is blocked, if your toilet has a leak, and if you simply want to upgrade your system. Metro Rod Norwich can do it all.
Simply give us a ring on 01508 535127 and we will take it from there.
The Metro Rod Norwich team look forward to hearing from you soon.

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