Drain Unblocking Services
The whole team at Metro Rod Liverpool is committed to providing a personal service to all customers, old and new, to ensure that jobs are completed in a timely and cost-effective manner As your Liverpool Drainage Company, we always ensure that the customer is informed as to the progress of works. If you have a blocked toilet, blocked sink, if you require a CCTV Survey of any new or existing drainage, require gutter cleaning or simply have smelly drains that need investigating then ours is the number to call.
Drainage Services
- Drain care and repair – including dealing with blocked drains, blocked pipes, blocked sinks, blocked showers, blocked toilets, blocked gullies and gutters.
- CCTV surveys of drainage on newly built properties or merely to ensure on the condition of drains.
- No dig repairs (Local Structuralised repairs or patch lining) for areas where excavation of drains would be inconvenient.
- Emergency Cold Water Plumbing repairs eg leaking radiators, taps etc.
- Environmentally friendly Graffiti Removal.
- Pre Planned Maintenance schedules, personalised to suit you and your business.
- Tanker Services
- Pump Maintenance
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Metro Rod Liverpool are your local drain cleaning and CCTV Survey experts.
Blocked drains, toilet, shower or sink? Overflowing gutters? Call Metro Rod Liverpool – we can help!
We operate from our Bootle depot 24/7 clearing & cleaning local drains & we are proud that we provide excellent service to our customers. Your call is always answered directly by an experienced on call manager who can start to assess any drain problem immediately, we arrive fast to any drain problems & we fix them as quickly as possible.
Blocked drains are no problem when you have our number!
Blocked Drains Liverpool
Metro Rod Liverpool are your local drain cleaning and drain unblocking experts. With a depot located in Bootle, we react quickly to commercial blocked drains or drain problems and provide essential services to homeowners and businesses in the city of Liverpool & surrounding towns. These include St Helens, Southport, Prescot, Skelmersdale, Warrington, Runcorn and Widnes.
Drainage Liverpool
Drainage is our forte, we excel in what we do; from cleaning blocked drains to carrying out a CCTV survey on brand new builds, our Metro Rod Liverpool engineers are all trained beyond industry standard in each of the activities that they carry out.
We have continually invested in the latest technology to ensure that our engineers are equipped with the very best, letting them professionally and efficiently deal with all blocked drains and blocked pipes and then handle all of your drain cleaning requirements. The Liverpool Metro Rod team operate 24/7/365 and can help you plan maintenance works to help prevent future problems, such as blocked drains, blocked toilets, blocked sinks or blocked pipes.
Our team of engineers have almost 100 years of combined drainage knowledge and experience which ensures that we have the practical skills and expertise to cope with any drainage issues you might face both in a domestic or commercial working environment. We deal with drainage problems every day and for each drain problem we can find the solution!
Grand National – Aintree Racecourse
Metro Rod Liverpool were contacted by Mark Mackin, Regional Facilities Manager, to assist with the Grand National by providing drainage support. Tom and Danny, our engineers, led the project and were onsite at Aintree Racecourse over the 3-day event. As with all drainage jobs, there were some challenges but nothing that they couldn’t overcome with ease.
Client testimonial
“I would like to bring to your attention the outstanding commitment from two Metro Rod employees during the 2022 Grand National.
Tom and Danny who work out of your Bootle branch went above and beyond for us over the 3 day event, they did everything asked of them and more.
Having managed 36 Grand National’s during my career I have never felt the need to contact a supplier and praise the service provided but it would be remiss of me not to on this occasion.
Please pass mine and my teams thanks and appreciation on to both of these engineers, they are a credit to your company and the reason we will continue to engage with Metro Rod’s services for future Grand National events.”
– Mark Mackin, Regional Facilities Mananger
Connect Portal
Our customer portal, Connect, is available to help you see the work undertaken. Rather than waiting on the phone for an update, you can instantly access the information required. Connect puts the job status, details, photos and invoicing information at your fingertips.
Watch video to learn more about the portal:
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