b'Part 1: Manufacturing and environmental responsibility - Todays landscapeAlthough nine out of ten respondents (91%) saidawareness of how specific manufacturing pollution prevention is important to their business,processes impact the environment. In four out 85% are currently concerned that their companyof five instances, less than half of respondents might one day be subject to pollution relatedcorrectly identified that certain every day penalties, suggesting there is currently very littlepractices produce contaminated water. knowledge of what the manufacturing sector needs to do to avoid risk of ramifications. 85% ofWhich, if any, of the following activities manufacturingproduce contaminated water?businesses are concerned that their% of company might one85% respondents day be subject toidentifiedpollution related penalties. 45% Vehicle washingExploring the specific responsibilities58% Equipment cleaningmanufacturing businesses must comply with as part of the guidance from the Environment Agency, two fifths (41%) are unaware they46% Water coolingare responsible for the correct disposal of hazardous substances; 35% are unaware theyCleaning of food are responsible for the correct disposal of46% production areas/ovenscommercial waste and recycling; and two fifths (40%) are unaware theyre responsible for preventing pollution.37% Staff canteensFurthermore, almost three fifths of respondents (58%) are unaware there is an unlimited fineOnly one in ten respondents correctly for any business found to be in breach ofidentified that all the activities presented environmental legislation, and just over halfproduce contaminated water. Exploring this (53%) are unaware that such activity is a criminalfurther, there is a greater knowledge amongst offence with potential for imprisonment. respondents in Group 1 (15%) than inThe research also uncovered a lack ofGroup 2 (5%)'